Wednesday, December 5, 2012


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered. What would you like to further explore? What still confuses you?

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!

Monday, December 3, 2012


1) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make larger connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, discuss language and symbolism, and deepen your thinking. 

2) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post! Answer their question, or pose a question of your own.


1) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

2) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!


1) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

2) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking. 

3) Don't forget to respond to someone else's post!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


For this blog post, please: 

1) Choose 3 challenging words/new words for you and define them.

2) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

3) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking.  


For this blog post, please: 

1) Choose 3 challenging words/new words for you and define them.

2) Ask (3) questions from the chapter that you'd really like answered.

3) Write a response, choosing a line and explaining it's significance to you. Please remember: no plot re-cap! Share your analysis, make connections to the world, ask questions, discuss imagery, and deepen your thinking.  

Monday, November 26, 2012


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 7 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 7 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Please post three questions that you'd like to discuss in class on Monday (after your vocabulary quiz). Please try to root your questions in the text. Choose lines that stand out to you, look at word choice, or question why Golding would create certain characters, conflicts, or scenarios. 

For example, some good questions from Chapter 5 might be: 

- Why did Golding name this chapter “Beast from Water”? What is he referring to? Is this title significant at all?

- As the boys are discussing their fears, Simon says, “Maybe there is a beast...Maybe the beast is only us” (p. 89). What does he mean by this?


Please post three questions that you'd like to discuss in class on Monday (after your vocabulary quiz). Please try to root your questions in the text. Choose lines that stand out to you, look at word choice, or question why Golding would create certain characters, conflicts, or scenarios. 

For example, some good questions from Chapter 5 might be: 

- Why did Golding name this chapter “Beast from Water”? What is he referring to? Is this title significant at all?

- As the boys are discussing their fears, Simon says, “Maybe there is a beast...Maybe the beast is only us” (p. 89). What does he mean by this?

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 1 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 1 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 1 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 1 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Post your reader responses here: Choose a line or two from Chapter 1 and explain why it stands out to you. Does this line shock you, confuse you, or seem important in some way? Does it make you ask a question? Can  you make a connection to your life or another text? Does the language stand out to you for some reason? What is this line saying about the characters in the novel and about people or the world, in general?

Then, respond to a classmate's post. Agree or disagree, but make sure that you add something new-- a new idea, a reference to another part of the book. Include textual evidence as you push the conversation forward. Ask more questions to keep the dialogue going...and remember-- this assignment is all about thinking/analysis.