Friday, October 21, 2016

A-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 171-195

** Make sure that as a group, you've discussed passages towards the end of the reading, and not just the initial pages. 

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 

- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 


"......" (17). 


B-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 171-195

** You can also choose a passage from our prior reading assignment that we didn't get a chance to discuss in class, like about Soul Scrolls or Ofglen, for example, but make sure that as a group, you've also looked at passages towards the end of the reading. 

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 

- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 


"......" (17). 


Thursday, October 20, 2016

E-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale p. 151-195

** You can choose a passage from p. 151-195, but make sure that as a group, you've reached towards the end of the reading, too!

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 

- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 


"......" (17). 


Thursday, October 6, 2016

B-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 17-40 (up to Waiting Room)

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 
- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 

"......" (17). 


A-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 17-40 (up to Waiting Room)

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 
- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 


"......" (17). 


E-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 17-40 (up to Waiting Room)

1) Choose a passage that stands out to you/intrigues you/confuses you.Type up the passage, in its entirety, and cite it

2) Then, either
- Ask a question and work through your confusion in a thorough response. Call on your classmates to also engage with this passage and unpack it together. 

- Make a connection to the news/your own life/another text as a means to dig deeper into the meaning of a passage 
- Look at specific language/literary devices/tools and write a response in which you examine the EFFECT of these devices. What do these observations that you've made DO for your initial understanding of the speaker and the world that she lives in?  

Some reminders
- Make sure that you BOTH create your own comment and also respond to a classmate's comment. 
- Sign in using your full name so that your first and last name appear next to your comment. 
- Make sure that you comment under your band
- Don't repeat classmates' passages. If someone has already used yours, then respond to it directly and choose another. There's plenty to discuss. 
- Your comment should be at least 5-7 sentences or longer. Your reply to a classmate should be a thorough reply that pushes the conversation forward by asking follow-up questions and/or making connections to other parts of novel or other works. The use of textual evidence in a response is a great way to keep the conversation going.
- Please use appropriate grammar/punctuation. This is NOT a text message. 
- Blog posts are due by 10pm the night before class so that I can read them ahead of time. Let's get this done at a reasonable hour, people! 

"......" (17). 
