Friday, October 3, 2014

G-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 164-195

For tonight's blog, please choose a line from the text, quote it (with the page number), and then ask a feminist critic question based off of this line. Then, try to answer your own question. Dig deep. Perhaps try out a couple of potential answers. Perhaps, in your answer, provide a piece of textual evidence from earlier in the novel. YOU MUST ALSO RESPOND TO A CLASSMATE'S QUESTION. 

"It pleased me that she was willing to lie for me, even in such a small thing, even for her own advantage. It was a link between us" (152). 

Question: Why is Cora and Offred's moment of secret solidarity so rare? What does this moment of "sisterhood" DO for these women who are all being oppressed? What does this exchange suggest about Atwood's larger message about the ability for "sisterhood" as a means of resisting patriarchy?

Answer: Answer your own question! Even if you're not sure, posit various responses-- "maybe..." or "perhaps...." Make connections to other passages/moments in the novel to try to answer your own question. 

B-BAND: The Handmaid's Tale pp. 164-195

For tonight's blog, please choose a line from the text, quote it (with the page number), and then ask a feminist critic question based off of this line. Then, try to answer your own question. Dig deep. Perhaps try out a couple of potential answers. Perhaps, in your answer, provide a piece of textual evidence from earlier in the novel. YOU MUST ALSO RESPOND TO A CLASSMATE'S QUESTION. 

"It pleased me that she was willing to lie for me, even in such a small thing, even for her own advantage. It was a link between us" (152). 

Question: Why is Cora and Offred's moment of secret solidarity so rare? What does this moment of "sisterhood" DO for these women who are all being oppressed? What does this exchange suggest about Atwood's larger message about the ability for "sisterhood" as a means of resisting patriarchy?

Answer: Answer your own question! Even if you're not sure, posit various responses-- "maybe..." or "perhaps...." Make connections to other passages/moments in the novel to try to answer your own question.