Tuesday, November 26, 2013


What stands out to you from the initial 13 pages? Choose a passage and explain why it seems significant to you. What do you learn about this society? What do you learn about our main character so far? What do you notice about the tone? What questions do you still have? 

For this blog post, you can ask a question and answer it. You can also just respond to a passage, explaining why it stands out to you/seems significant. Either way, make sure that you respond to someone else. 


What stands out to you from the initial 13 pages? Choose a passage and explain why it seems significant to you. What do you learn about this society? What do you learn about our main character so far? What do you notice about the tone? What questions do you still have? 

For this blog post, you can ask a question and answer it. You can also just respond to a passage, explaining why it stands out to you/seems significant. Either way, make sure that you respond to someone else. 

Friday, November 1, 2013


What passages stand out to you from Chapter 10? What connections can you make to the previous chapters? Why return to Vonnegut's life and perspective in Chapter 10? Why integrate his war story with Billy's? 

Why would Vonnegut, in trying to make sense of and write truthfully about his war experience, choose this story (aliens, Billy) as his way to write about war? Any hints from returning to Chapter 1/reading about about his writing process?

Please try to answer at least one of these questions, or ask a BIG question of your own. Make sure you start your reflection with a passageAlso, make sure that you respond to someone else. 


What passages stand out to you from Chapter 10? What connections can you make to the previous chapters? Why return to Vonnegut's life and perspective in Chapter 10? Why integrate his war story with Billy's? 

Why would Vonnegut, in trying to make sense of and write truthfully about his war experience, choose this story (aliens, Billy) as his way to write about war? Any hints from returning to Chapter 1/reading about about his writing process?

Please try to answer at least one of these questions, or ask a BIG question of your own. Make sure you start your reflection with a passage. Also, make sure that you respond to someone else.